Kindergarten Readiness
This checklist is a very brief outline of skills that are needed by most children as they begin a structured school environment, such as kindergarten. If you have concerns about whether or not your child is ready for the kind of learning that kindergarten provides, talk with some of his or her potential teachers. Ask friends what experiences their children have had at that particular school. Read books about the developmental stages of children such as “Your five-year-old”, by Louise Bates Ames. Ph.D.
If you still have concerns after you have decided to enroll your child, volunteer some time in the classroom. This will give you an idea about how the class is conducted and how well you child is adapting.
If you feel your child is continuing to have difficulty ask your pediatrician for his or her perspective. A family counselor or psychologist who specializes in children can also be helpful in evaluating the emotional and psychological development of your child.
Skills useful in starting kindergarten:
Verbal skills:
Can your child use words rather than physical aggression to get what he/she wants or express what he/she feels?
Can he/she repeat phrases said by an adult?
Does he/she speak clearly enough to be understood by someone who does not know him/her well?
Can he/she communicate with peers?
Social skills:
Does your child seek out interactive play with other people (children)?
Can your child wait his/her turn?
Can he/she follow simple directives?
Can he/she put into words simple requests?
Does your child show some beginning “empathy skills”?
Self-care skills:
Is your child consistently dry during naps?
Can your child ask to go to the bathroom and go without assistance?
Can your child eat lunch or snack-food with minimum adult assistance?
How much help does he/she need getting coat/sweater, etc on?
Academic Skills:
Does your child have the ability to show sustained attention?
Can your child memorize things that have been read to him/her repeatedly? (Pretending to read).
Maturation skills:
Does your child demonstrate an understanding of a concept of time?
How long can your child sit still?
Can your child put things back where they belong and clean up after projects?
Average chronological age kids begin kindergarten 4-5
Remember to trust your parenting intuition and your own knowledge of your child. You are your child’s best advocate!
Lois V. Nightingale, Ph.D. (lic# PSY9503) director of the Nightingale Center in Yorba Linda, California 714-993-5343.
©2009 Lois V. Nightingale, Ph.D.
Getting Kids Back on Schedule after a School Break
During school vacations many families enjoy a more relaxed schedule. This can be fun and enjoyable for traditionally busy parents as well as students. But when the vacation comes to an end it can be challenging getting a family back into the structure of a routine. There are many simple and practical things parents can do to make this transition easier. The following are tips to help get kids back on track smoothly.
Starting 2 days early getting children up at the time they will need to awake when school starts. Getting kids up earlier is easy than trying to force them to go to bed earlier, and a better way to reset their internal clocks. Make sure you are going to bed earlier also.
A few days before school starts, begin to focus on a healthier diet (during holidays kids can get into the habit of eating poorly which leads to cranky behavior and low frustration tolerance). Fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains are great things to include. Refined sugar, white flour and caffeine are good things to exclude.
Make sure you have signed all important paperwork that needs to go with your child to school the night before.
Help children pick out what they will wear to school the night before. Having this choice made and clothes set out can be a great time saver in the morning.
Pack their lunches the night before, or at least make sure you have all the needed lunch items in the house to make packing lunches an expedient chore.
Know what you are going to make for breakfast the night before. This can help parents feel calmer in the morning, and can be one less decision you have to make.
Write a short check list to keep in the car. Go over it before you leave your home. “Shoes, lunches, lunch money, notes signed, homework, instrument or sports equipment”, etc.
Set up a schedule for yourself. Get to bed early enough yourself. Knowing where and when you need to be places will help you feel more in control of your own time, and leave you feeling less rushed with your children. (Consider waking up 15 minutes earlier than needed just to sit and have a cup of coffee or tea and plan out your own day.)
Create a peaceful non-rushed environment in the mornings before school. Put on soft music. Have the smells of breakfast cooking when you wake the kids. Find a joke to tell them while they’re eating breakfast. Make sure you give them five compliments for every directive. (A directive is a command or criticism such as “go get your shoes on,” etc.)
Keep the television off in the morning.
Leave time for the unexpected. (10-15 min.)
Put in a tape of silly kid songs for the drive to school or listen to one of the children’s stations on the radio. (This can go a long way in diminishing sibling rivalry in the car).
Praise your children for being on time. Build in the expectation that you know they will cooperate and you will be on time.
If it takes a few days to get back into the swing of things be patient with yourself and them. The lighter you keep the interaction, the more cooperation you will get. (Building self-esteem and good feelings about themselves is more important than every hair being in place.)
© 2004 Dr. Lois V. Nightingale, Clinical Psychologist (psy9503) and Director of the Nightingale Center in Yorba Linda, Calif. (714) 993-5343.