Our services
Talk therapy
Please call individual therapists for their rates.
Dr. Nightingale, psychologist, LMFT, accepts private pay from clients. She is also contracted with Medicare. She can provide you with a superbill if you wish to be reimbursed by your PPO insurance. 714-993-5343
Dr. Sharon Stafford, psychologist, is also contracted with several insurance companies. 714-309-4633.
Phil Leblanc, marriage and family therapist, is contracted with several insurance companies. (657) 206-7189
Telehealth and video sessions
Dr. Nightingale offers in-office and secure telehealth therapy sessions.
Dr. Nightingale’s Self-help books
Acupuncture session
Please call TJ Lee, licensed Acupuncturist, for rates and to schedule your acupuncture appointment. 714-943-8511